I thought I'd better do a little "about me" section so you know whose thoughts you are reading!
I've always been a creative person - I starred in my first musical when I was 6 and I didn't stop until I was 14. I still sing and play guitar, but not usually in front of other people - it's only recently I've started to share it with people.
I studied Double Art and Design, Critical and Contextual Art Studies and Photography in college and I loved it. Although I didn't realise it at the time, college was some of the best years of my life!
I usually describe myself as "split down the middle", like two completely opposite people squished into one human being...

I love fashion so much. I genuinely love getting ready every morning, doing my hair and make up and picking my outfit. The only downside is that where I live, nobody appreciates fashion, so I usually just get a lot of funny looks and people asking "why are you dressed for a night out" just because I tend to wear lipstick every day!
London Fashion Week 13' was amazing and I loved every second - even just for the simple fact that my clothes were appreciated and nobody was there to judge and everyone was accepted for who they were!
Now there is the other half of me that loves animals, nature and the countryside! I basically grew up on a farm because my brother decided at the age of 6 he would become a farmer and it's all he has done since! A lot of my life has been spent helping out during lambing season, driving quad bikes around the farm and living in my wellies!
I absolutely love photography and one of my favourite places to take photos is on the farm. The above photos are a couple I took recently on my iPad as the sun was going down - it was such a beautiful day!
Anyway, I am rambling now!
So a few quick facts -
- I am terrified of small spaces, spiders and fire.
- I have two very talented best friends. Jack Codling and Robynne Pickles. Jack is a fashion photographer (INTERVIEW) and Robynne is an extremely talented fashion designer.
- My all time favourite TV show would have to be Friends (you've probably not heard of it!)
- I speak a bit of Swahili and I want to learn more French as I'm not very good!
- I am not religious.
- I love Beyonce.
- My dream job would be a singer, but otherwise anything to do with fashion, beauty, media or animals!
- I once bought Charli XCX cocktails at Azealia Banks after party. True story. I was a total celeb for the night.
- Africa is very close to my heart; my little sister is half African and my step Mum is African. I have been to 4 different African countries and I'm obsessed.
- My parents split up when I was 6.
- I have one brother, a half sister, three step sisters and a brother in Africa (my step Mum's son?)
- I have 4 dogs who I love.
- I did well in school, despite my naughty behaviour towards the end!
That'll do.
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