Wednesday, 5 February 2014



Gay. It's a word used a million times a day, but I'm sure it's all for the wrong reasons.
"That's so gay"
"You're so gay!"
Gay. Gay. Gay.
(On a side note, I've looked at this word so much it doesn't look like a word anymore - ever do that?!)

Anyway, we all know how I like to waffle on and get carried away with opinions; I wasn't going to do another blog post like this for a while because otherwise I will just come across as an over opinionated loud mouth - but I'm not, I promise. I just had to say something about this.

So, "gay" - I'm not gay. I have gay friends though, so whatever abuse my friends get for being gay, you're basically attacking me too. That's not to say I don't get abuse for being gay or a lesbian, because the word has been thoroughly abused to the point that it doesn't even have anything to do with sexuality anymore.

The other week when I was doing my People of Chatroulette blog post SEE HERE, my webcam just happened to connect to a group of girls. If you have read the post, you will see that it was very difficult to get any girls to talk to me as they would just skip to the next person, so I immediately said "hello" but the response I got was not at all what I expected. They started hammering me with abuse saying I was "gay" and "looked like a lesbian" (Don't even get me started on "what does a lesbian look like?") - I'm not the sort of person to retaliate to internet trolls, but I couldn't help myself this time. When one of the girls screamed into her laptop "you're so gay!" the only response I had was "How is that an insult?" - I strategically clicked the "next" button just as the girl was about to scream more abuse at me, it was very satisfying! I only wish I could have seen her face afterwards.

What I am getting at here is that "gay" is not an insult. Being a lesbian isn't an insult. What sexuality you are cannot be an insult! There is just too much pressure on the word.

"Homophobia" (what a ridiculous word, how can you have a "phobia" of someones sexual orientation?) is the most ridiculous thing. I won't mention names, but somebody I know made some homophobic comments/actions towards a very good friend of mine and I have never been so furious and embarrassed. It shouldn't even be an issue! After somebody has "come out" they don't turn into a different person, they are exactly the same person as they were yesterday, apart from now you know who they fancy! They still have the same heart. It shouldn't change your opinion on them or how you treat them!

My best friend is gay and obviously I've always known, but he only actually "came out" last summer. (He's 20) - It makes me sad that he felt he had to hide it for so long, when the people that truly care about him already knew. We just had to let him do it in his own time. On another note, I think if you "come out" and people start treating you differently, you shouldn't be around those people. The people that care about you properly will treat you exactly the same and it won't seem like anything has changed.

My main point here is that I just want there to be less pressure on the whole "gay" thing. It's not a big deal. I'll control myself now and not start rambling about how same sex marriage should be allowed too (but it should be!)

Just a message to the "homophobic" community - if you seriously have a problem with gay people, go to a gay pride. You will then see how happy, normal and lovely everyone is. They're not aliens.

There are several related topics that are starting to brew in my head and they're going to spill out of the ends of my fingers in a minute, so I will leave it here as I don't want to bore you all! I could go on forever about this.

Thank you for reading, feel free to email me with any questions etc!

Jen xo