I would just like to quickly say a big thank you for everybody who has taken the time to read my blog - my page views went up by 1000 the day I posted my "Body Image and Self Confidence" post and I had so many lovely comments from people! So, thank you! It means a lot! xo
Charity shopping... not everyone's cup of tea, but that's only because they've never done it properly! I absolutely LOVE charity shopping. Granted, some of the clothes are a bit tatty, they smell a bit funny and some of them have very questionable stains on... but don't let that stop you!
I have found some absolute beauties whilst charity shopping and I want to share them with you to encourage you that it's not "gross" or "cheap".
If you go into a charity shop looking for something, you will not find it; The key to charity shopping is to have an open mind. Another thing you will have to do it actually look through everything. I knoooow that is time consuming and 99% of the items you sieve through are not things you would buy, but that makes finding something even more rewarding! Obviously we are all human and the thought of looking through hundreds of items of clothing is not appealing, but when you're on a budget and you want to go shopping, you can go wild on £20!
I also love to mix cheap items I have found whilst charity shopping with some expensive items when planning an outfit. I think it makes it more unique.
Another good thing about charity shopping is that you will always find "one off" pieces in there. I have found some really unique shirts, jackets etc. and it's nice to know nobody else will be wearing the same thing as you when you go out!
Finally, it's for CHARITY! So if you're feeling bad about spending money, don't! You haven't been shopping, you've been donating to charity! (That's what I tell myself anyway!)
If you go into a charity shop looking for something, you will not find it; The key to charity shopping is to have an open mind. Another thing you will have to do it actually look through everything. I knoooow that is time consuming and 99% of the items you sieve through are not things you would buy, but that makes finding something even more rewarding! Obviously we are all human and the thought of looking through hundreds of items of clothing is not appealing, but when you're on a budget and you want to go shopping, you can go wild on £20!
I also love to mix cheap items I have found whilst charity shopping with some expensive items when planning an outfit. I think it makes it more unique.
Another good thing about charity shopping is that you will always find "one off" pieces in there. I have found some really unique shirts, jackets etc. and it's nice to know nobody else will be wearing the same thing as you when you go out!
Finally, it's for CHARITY! So if you're feeling bad about spending money, don't! You haven't been shopping, you've been donating to charity! (That's what I tell myself anyway!)
I found this genuine Levi's jacket in Oxfam for £3.50!
It's an absolute classic item of clothing and goes with pretty much every outfit.
You can chuck it on a "dressy" outfit to make it more casual if you're feeling over dressed.
In the summer it's nice to wear in the evenings over a summer dress or a floral shirt when it starts to get chilly and in the winter you can wear it with a dress and thick tights.
I also love wearing denim with a bold print to mix up the fabrics and not make a bold item of clothing look OTT!
A denim jacket is timeless and will never go out of fashion. Charity shops are full of them!
I found this AMAZING mohair coat in Cancer Research the other day. I was absolutely OVER THE MOON.
I'd had my eye on a few of the mohair coats in Topshop but they were pushing on £100 for one coat... I don't like to spend a lot of money on one thing so I always take my time when thinking about buying something quite expensive!
This coat is exactly like the Topshop ones that are on trend at the moment, but it only cost me £6.50!
Again, it's another timeless piece and will never go out of fashion.
I really like the navy blue colour as I think it goes with my blonde hair quite nicely!

Now I realise not everybody will like this jacket, but I am obsessed with it! It's actually reversible and when I first saw it on the rail it was on the plain black side, but I was staring at it for ages trying to work out why the poppers at the top seemed strange! After a minute, it clicked that it was reversible and I turned it inside out and was SO happy!
I absolutely love the paisley pattern and it is denim material too which is just amazing.
This is also an example of a "one off" piece that can be found. I would just wear this jacket with a black outfit (I usually just wear black!) or maybe some white with it to match the paisley.
I usually wear gold jewellery, but with this jacket I would convert to silver to match the buttons.
This amazing jacket was only £6.50!

Now, actual clothing isn't the only thing you can get from charity shops, you can also get some amazing accessories! I have rarely found nice jewellery, I won't lie... but SCARVES. I think I have a slight problem! They are always so, so cheap which makes it all too tempting! Plus they usually have some sort of deal on scarves, like 3 for 2 or something like that. These two cheeky tartan scarves were found in one of the charity shops in my town. They were only £2 each, but I did get them separately otherwise I probably would have got some sort of deal.
Tartan is absolutely everywhere at the moment and "bang on trend" - I was completely chuffed with these finds.
In the summer, I also really enjoy floral/vintage looking scarves to put in my hair. They are always soooo cheap and literally every charity shop has a basket full! So you're always going to find one you like! I've actually got 16 of these alone... slightly unnecessary!
This is the most recent little gift from my Mum - I am forever collecting cute little boxes to keep trinkets, hairbands and jewellery in; My Mum saw this and thought of me straight away.
Again, very cheap. This cost me 99p!
Another little floral box below, this one has my guitar plectrums in! This cost me 99p too.
I think this little floral bucket is the cutest thing ever!
Story time...
I was in town with my Mum charity shopping and I was suffering from really bad anxiety that day. I hadn't been into town for a long time so I was feeling nervous and clinging onto my Mum the whole time!
When I was in Cancer Research I found this little bucket and I fell in love with it! (It was only £1.75!)
Unfortunately, anxiety got the better of me and I felt like I was going to faint so I had to put the bucket back and quickly leave. My Mum took me home and I was really upset that anxiety took over again!
A few days later I was sitting at home and my Mum told me to close my eyes - she had gone back to get me the bucket to cheer me up! So sweet of her! Definitely cheered me up.
I wasn't sure what to do with this when I first got it, I just knew I liked it! I toyed with the idea of putting flowers in it, but it didn't seem to be waterproof as it has a bit of wear and tear on the bottom. In the end I decided to just use it to put bits and bobs in there! I've got some hairbrushes and scrunchies and for some reason, a packet of make up wipes!
Well that's just a few charity shop bits I've picked up, I have a lot more but I didn't want to drown you all in charity shopping!
I will more than likely make another charity shopping post in the future as I'm always picking up new bits.
Thanks for reading! xo
It's an absolute classic item of clothing and goes with pretty much every outfit.
You can chuck it on a "dressy" outfit to make it more casual if you're feeling over dressed.
In the summer it's nice to wear in the evenings over a summer dress or a floral shirt when it starts to get chilly and in the winter you can wear it with a dress and thick tights.
I also love wearing denim with a bold print to mix up the fabrics and not make a bold item of clothing look OTT!
A denim jacket is timeless and will never go out of fashion. Charity shops are full of them!
I found this AMAZING mohair coat in Cancer Research the other day. I was absolutely OVER THE MOON.
I'd had my eye on a few of the mohair coats in Topshop but they were pushing on £100 for one coat... I don't like to spend a lot of money on one thing so I always take my time when thinking about buying something quite expensive!
This coat is exactly like the Topshop ones that are on trend at the moment, but it only cost me £6.50!
Again, it's another timeless piece and will never go out of fashion.
I really like the navy blue colour as I think it goes with my blonde hair quite nicely!
Now I realise not everybody will like this jacket, but I am obsessed with it! It's actually reversible and when I first saw it on the rail it was on the plain black side, but I was staring at it for ages trying to work out why the poppers at the top seemed strange! After a minute, it clicked that it was reversible and I turned it inside out and was SO happy!
I absolutely love the paisley pattern and it is denim material too which is just amazing.
This is also an example of a "one off" piece that can be found. I would just wear this jacket with a black outfit (I usually just wear black!) or maybe some white with it to match the paisley.
I usually wear gold jewellery, but with this jacket I would convert to silver to match the buttons.
This amazing jacket was only £6.50!
Now, actual clothing isn't the only thing you can get from charity shops, you can also get some amazing accessories! I have rarely found nice jewellery, I won't lie... but SCARVES. I think I have a slight problem! They are always so, so cheap which makes it all too tempting! Plus they usually have some sort of deal on scarves, like 3 for 2 or something like that. These two cheeky tartan scarves were found in one of the charity shops in my town. They were only £2 each, but I did get them separately otherwise I probably would have got some sort of deal.
Tartan is absolutely everywhere at the moment and "bang on trend" - I was completely chuffed with these finds.
In the summer, I also really enjoy floral/vintage looking scarves to put in my hair. They are always soooo cheap and literally every charity shop has a basket full! So you're always going to find one you like! I've actually got 16 of these alone... slightly unnecessary!
For those of you that just can't bring yourselves to wear second hand clothes or purchase a hat that used to rest on the head of an elderly woman, we have HOMEWARE.
Every charity shop will have a section that is just full of "bits and bobs" that you can use around your home. Sometimes you can even find furniture if you're in a big enough store, but if that isn't an option, there will ALWAYS be homeware and most of it is brand new. (Sometimes high street shops that haven't sold their stock will give it away to charity shops)
I absolutely love 'vintage' looking, floral things but I just couldn't have it as the theme for my entire bedroom because I'm not very girly! So, I have a white bookcase in my bedroom that holds all of my girly, floral things!
Most of these things are from my Mum (cutie) who knows I have this little theme for my bookcase and she always keeps an eye out!
It's a heart shaped little box with a really cute, old looking floral pattern on it.
At the moment there are some Haribo tangfastics in it that I still haven't eaten from Christmas!
I'm not entirely sure how much this cost as my Mum bought it, but little boxes like this are usually around £2. Bargain!
Something else I like to collect is little glass jars! They are always ridiculously cheap in charity shops and they can be used for anything! My Mum also has a few of these in her room and we both use one to keep cotton wool in.I also have a few that I put bobby pins in (hair pins, I know people have different names for them!) and hair bands.Again, very cheap. This cost me 99p!
Another little floral box below, this one has my guitar plectrums in! This cost me 99p too.
I think this little floral bucket is the cutest thing ever!
Story time...
I was in town with my Mum charity shopping and I was suffering from really bad anxiety that day. I hadn't been into town for a long time so I was feeling nervous and clinging onto my Mum the whole time!
When I was in Cancer Research I found this little bucket and I fell in love with it! (It was only £1.75!)
Unfortunately, anxiety got the better of me and I felt like I was going to faint so I had to put the bucket back and quickly leave. My Mum took me home and I was really upset that anxiety took over again!
A few days later I was sitting at home and my Mum told me to close my eyes - she had gone back to get me the bucket to cheer me up! So sweet of her! Definitely cheered me up.
I wasn't sure what to do with this when I first got it, I just knew I liked it! I toyed with the idea of putting flowers in it, but it didn't seem to be waterproof as it has a bit of wear and tear on the bottom. In the end I decided to just use it to put bits and bobs in there! I've got some hairbrushes and scrunchies and for some reason, a packet of make up wipes!
Well that's just a few charity shop bits I've picked up, I have a lot more but I didn't want to drown you all in charity shopping!
I will more than likely make another charity shopping post in the future as I'm always picking up new bits.
Thanks for reading! xo