Tuesday, 2 July 2013




Jack Codling is an up and coming fashion photographer based in Cornwall but also working around London and East Sussex. He first began his passion for Photography at college where he discovered his talent for capturing the perfect photo. Whether it be landscape, black and white or digital - Jack has the flare!
After Jack completed his college A Levels with flying colours, he ventured further into the world of Photography and took an Art Foundation course; this is where he discovered his love for fashion photography and he has never turned back. 
Some of his work include gothic, dark images, whereas others are bright and extremely artistic.

MODEL| Freya Montague
DESIGNER| Jacob Stevens
ASSITANT&MUA: Elliot Baker

MODEL: Elliot Baker

MODEL: Maiken Fortes
MAKE UP ARTIST: Jennifer Stead (me)
STYLIST: Jack Codling

MODEL: Jennifer Stead (me)
STYLIST: Jack Codling

MODEL: Krystal Tang

How long have you been a fashion photographer, when did it all start?

Well, I didn't really call myself a fashion photographer until I started my degree back in September. I guess I didn't count myself as doing it seriously until I started doing my degree.

Have you always known this would be your career?

No! I was always sure I would do something creative as a career, but I was never quite sure what it would be. It took a lot of trial and error to see what I was most interested in. During my art foundation is where I found out that fashion photography was definitely what I wanted to do!

Your work is amazing, what inspires you?

Thank you! So many different things inspire me, trends and styling are both huge things that inspire my shoots. I do almost all of the elements of my shoots, including the styling, and I think seeing all these new trends coming up just brings ideas into my head of how I can take them and incorporate them into my shoots. I'm also finding that living in Cornwall is very inspiring, being around so many great landscapes is brilliant! Tumblr is also a guilty form of mine to get inspiration from, you see so many inspiring visuals on there.

What is your favourite work so far?

Picking my favourite image is always very difficult because its usually the one that I've done most recently as I seem to like my shoots for the first few weeks after finishing them, then I seem to go off of them... So my favourite work at the moment would be one of the pieces I've produced in the last month, I don't think I could pick one in particular though.

What has been a highlight for you so far?

That's another really difficult question, I find that I have moments that last a couple of hours that are highlights, moments where I feel as though something is going right and I'm making progress in my work. There have been a couple of moments in the past few weeks of being in the studio that have been highlights - creating lighting that works well is always an exciting moment.

How do you choose your models?

I choose models based on how I think they will photograph. Testing models is always a good idea because you get to know the models face quite well and you know what light works well with how they look.

Any inspiring words for aspiring fashion photographers?

Well, I guess I'm still an aspiring fashion photographer in many ways! But I guess I'm on my way in the right direction... I would say if you're coming out of A Levels, definitely do an art foundation - there is no better way to explore yourself as an artist and find where you belong. If Fashion Photography is definitely for you, following it up by doing a degree is brilliant because since coming to university I have never been more inspired and driven than this to produce work and better myself as a photographer.

What have you got planned for the future?

At the moment I'm just finishing up my first year at university. I hope to be shooting a lot back in East Sussex during summer, then back to uni for second year where there will be a lot of moving image/fashion films coming, so expect a lot more personal work and fashion films to come next year.

Monday, 25 February 2013


Hello everybody! Like I said in my previous blog post, I went to London Fashion Week on Sunday 17th February. It was AMAZING; I don't know what I expected but it was so much better than I thought it would be.

I would have gone to the whole week but I had to work. I left really early on Sunday morning to get to London for 9:30. When I got there I met up with my friends Robynne and Ellie. After some faffing around, we headed to the Tate Modern to the Topshop show.

Unfortunately we couldn't get into the TOPSHOP Unique show as it's a very popular show and you needed tickets to get in. Although we didn't get in, I didn't mind too much because just standing outside was so fun! It was so interesting seeing how different people interpret the current trends and how people express themselves through fashion.

From left to right:
Fashion Photographers - Elliot Baker & one of my best friends in the world, Jack Codling VIEW PORTFOLIO
Model and Artist, Niall Underwood VIEW PORTFOLIO and his best friend Anna Taylor. (It's rare not to find these two together!)

We stood outside of the Tate for a while looking at everyone's outfits etc. It was a strange atmosphere because people kept taking pictures of us for our outfits so I felt like I was on edge the whole time in case somebody was taking a picture of me! Suddenly we heard loads of people shouting "Pixie, Pixie!" and we turned around and Pixie Geldof was casually surrounded by paparazzi!


As it was my first ever LFW, I didn't dress up too much as I wasn't sure what it was going to be like!  

I wore a patterned black and white thin jumper from H&M (I can't find this online) with black skinny jeans from Primark.
To make it more "dressy" and less casual, I wore a LOT of gold jewellery to jazz the whole look up more. 
Gold bracelets from H&M BUY HERE
Gold hair cuff from H&M BUY HERE
TOPSHOP Eagle Necklace BUY HERE 
My shoes were similar to these, from OFFICE in the Sale before Christmas, only £20

 After being at the Tate for a while, we all went for lunch at COSTA. We got a cheeky snack and drink to refuel ourselves for the rest of the day.

We went to Somerset House for a look around after lunch. Right in the centre was where some of the catwalks were, there was a giant screen outside playing all the shows and it was so cool!
After wandering around there for a few hours, Robynne and I split up with the others whilst they went home. We were just stood in the street when suddenly Daisy Low and Peaches Geldof with her husband walked out in front of us - we were surrounded by paparazzi again!

We were still stood outside another fashion show that had just finished and we could hear the paparazzi shouting "here she comes!" - Robynne and I joked saying "Imagine if it was Cara Delevingne!" and then out of nowhere - Cara Delevingne.
She was so beautiful and we couldn't believe we saw her! We said hello and declared our love for her which was probably the least cool thing we could have done, but oh well!

Robynne and I were then so excited we had a wander through Covent Garden and had a look at some of the street acts.

As we hadn't got into any shows during the day, Robynne and I thought we would try one last time to get into the Marios Schwab show, and it's a good thing we tried because we got in!

I have to admit, I'd never heard of Marios Schwab before we got into the show, but now I am obsessed. The collection was made up from velvets, layering and sheer materials. While models were made-up by MAC to resemble Elizabethan portraits, and the hair crimped to reflect the romance of the period, Marios' designs focused on shape structure and detailing.

The photos above are some of my favourite pieces from the collection. I particularly love the blue velvet dress (I was hoping somebody would wear it to the Oscars!)

The plan for the rest of the night was that we were going to see BROOKE CANDY play live at XOYO - BUT WE MISSED HER! We were having so much fun that we lost track of the time and got there when it was finished! We were so gutted, but then I noticed Charli XCX was stood outside - 

I absolutely love Charli XCX and I've met her before so I wasn't nervous about going to talk to her. (Like it says at the top of my blog, we've had cocktails before!)
As I was approaching her, I noticed that Brooke Candy had come outside and was waiting for her car to pick her up!
I approached her and said hello and told her I'd missed the show and I was absolutely gutted. She invited me to the Dazed and Confused after party the next night to come and see her and I would have gone but I had to work! So gutted. 
Some security guards were then asking Robynne and I to go away and leave her alone, but Brooke stood up for us and had a go at him! She was so beautiful and lovely and I hope to see her live one day without missing it!
